Published Resources Details Thesis

Gill, J.
Economics education in secondary schools: an examination of syllabus change in economics in New South Wales from 1966 to 1976
Type of Work
MA thesis
University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW, 1980
New South Wales

In Australia, the impact of the American and British developments in economics education were slow to be recorded. Several states had shown tendencies to move away from prescriptive courses in Economics. In some instances, teachers had been encouraged to participate in the development of newer courses. However, much of the impact in economics education in Australia in the period 1966 - 1976 had been focussed in Victoria and New South Wales. Developments in Victoria in the late 1960s showed the influences of some of the overseas developments in secondary school Economics. In New South Wales two official syllabus documents were prepared for the senior part of the secondary school system between 1966 and 1976. Each was designed as a two year course and each had provision for a differentiated level of candidature for the final external examination. The development and implementation of these syllabi in New South Wales from 1966 to 1976 is the major focus of this study.