Published Resources Details Thesis

Hamer, P. J. C.
Destreaming the primary school: a study of change and innovation
Type of Work
MA thesis
University of Sydney, Camperdown NSW, 1985
New South Wales

This study developed out of a concern for the widespread use of educational ability grouping in Australian schools. The opportunity to study a change proposal at first hand came with a Catholic four streamed primary school seeking to investigate its current practices with a view to possible future changes being made. An Attitude to Streaming Questionnaire completed by staff members, feeder school principals, Catholic education office consultants, Catholic education office regional directors and advisors and Catholic teachers college lecturers revealed that the staff attitudes differed greatly from all the other groups surveyed. The staff participated in a number of inservice activities designed to foster awareness of the streaming debate and to promote further investigations about the specific nature of the students currently enrolled at the school and how they were affected by educational ability grouping. This study clearly shows the importance of involving all staff members in any change proposal that seriously affects their classroom teaching, for no real change can take place within a school unless the behaviour of individual staff members is changed.