Published Resources Details Thesis

Wheeler, M.
Interest electives in a Sydney high school: a case study of a school based curriculum innovation
Type of Work
MEd thesis
University of Sydney, Camperdown NSW, 1985
New South Wales

This essay is a study of a school based innovation in operation in a Sydney high school. The innovation is a scheme which allows students to take interest elective subjects of leisure, vocational and sporting interest as part of their choice of subjects. One of the main features of the scheme is that the interest electives are integrated into the general school timetable. The introduction and progress of the scheme is observed over the period of two years, 1980 and 1981. The approach adopted in this essay is a process style analysis. Existing theory as to what aids or hinders the introduction and development of innovations is considered, the process involved in the scheme is then described and commented on in the light of the above mentioned theory. Considerable attention has also been given to examining the milieu in which the developments take place, and the effects of this milieu on the scheme and its outcome. Student reactions to the scheme, both encouraging and critical, are examined, and the influence of student opinion on staff perceptions of the worth of the scheme are discussed.