Published Resources Details Thesis

Broughton, L.
What might count as art in schools?
Type of Work
MEd thesis
University of Tasmania, Hobart TAS, 1985

Art as a school subject embraces a broad epistemological domain. It is quite accepted for an art teacher to include in a single art curriculum such diverse fields as art history and ceramics, drawing and metal casting, paper making and basic design, furniture design and the making of videos, conceptual art and weaving, book binding and body art, computer graphics and wood carving, clay modelling and photography, painting and performance. The intent of this dissertation is to inquire into the apparent morass of diverse knowledge in art, into the educational potential of the various philosophies, ideologies, processes and techniques all of which can, it seems, legitimately constitute the content of school art curriculum. Behind this inquiry is a desire to resolve the problem as to what should count as Art in schools.