Published Resources Details Thesis
- Title
- The introduction of transition education into the Campania District High School
- Type of Work
- MEd thesis
- Imprint
- University of Tasmania, Hobart TAS, 1985
- Url
- Subject
- Tasmania
- Abstract
The plight of the rural school leaver suggested the need for a better preparation of students leaving the Campania District High School. In 1980 a case to support the introduction of a transition education program was prepared. The various alternatives which were available to overcome the problems of transition from high school to beyond were investigated and these included careers education, transition education, work experience, link courses and vocational education. The small size of the Campania District High School proved ideal for the smooth implementation and ready monitoring of this innovation. The evaluation process used was informal and based upon feedback from all the individuals concerned and the ultimate destination of the students. The experience gained from the program has given rise to certain policy recommendations: the main areas being that a formal program of transition education should be introduced into district high schools. Such a program should be taught as a separate subject and administered by a senior member of staff. Transition education should commence as early as Year 7 and include work experience for both Year 9 and Year 10 country students.