Published Resources Details Thesis

Harding, R.
A review of enrolments in mathematics and science education in Victoria
Type of Work
MEdSt thesis
Monash University, Clayton VIC, 1985

The aim of this project is to examine enrolments in mathematics and science subjects in secondary schools and in postsecondary courses in Victoria. In addition consideration is given to the output of tertiary science and mathematics based courses in terms of their disciplines and their employment prospects. Data collected in sample surveys conducted by the Victorian Education Department has been used to examine participation in mathematics and science in the secondary years. Participation rates as indicated by these surveys are linked with retention rates to Year 10 as given by the Commonwealth Bureau of Statistics. In the tertiary field, data on enrolments in mathematics and science based courses was obtained from the statistics of the universities and the colleges of advanced education. There appears to be an increasing demand for tertiary mathematics and science courses especially in the universities. While there is still some unemployment amongst tertiary maths science graduates, the data shows that they have a better chance of gaining employment than do many other graduates.