Published Resources Details Thesis
- Title
- The implementation of LOTE in primary schools: a Queensland case study
- Type of Work
- MEdAd thesis
- Imprint
- University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD, 1995
- Url
- Subject
- Queensland
- Abstract
The object of this study is to document the Queensland Education Department's implementation of Languages Other Than English (LOTE) into primary schools seen from the perspective of teachers involved at grass- roots level. The experiences described here are particular to the schools in the cluster concerned, and may, or may not, be representative of experiences elsewhere. Those involved were the teachers and administrators in a South-East Queensland high school and its feeder primary schools. The study recorded the impact on teachers: teacher behaviour, the demands made upon teachers, the information received and the reaction of various parties to the roles teachers played. The study also attempted to define, based on 1991-1994 experiences, some of the characteristics of successful and less successful primary LOTE teachers. The writer contends that the implementation of LOTE in primary school has been an overall success primarily because of the skills, dedication and personality of many teachers, rather than because of the leadership of bureaucrats and administrations. As a generalisation, those in charge of LOTE within a school, usually deputy principals, at times seemed more concerned with territorialism than with successfully implementing the program, The priorities of the teachers, on the other hand, were the students and the LOTE program.