Published Resources Details Thesis

Lester, N. C.
An evaluation of an audiographic device as a means of teaching visual arts degree level studies at a distance
Type of Work
MEd thesis
University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba QLD, 1995

Moves towards the use of advanced interactive technology in distance education have not only increased the two way communication between the student and the lecturer but also has widened the course type possibilities that can be offered in this mode. This study evaluates the use of an audiographic device, the Optel Telewriter, as a means of teaching degree level visual arts at a distance. A combination of a one shot context evaluation and a one group pretest posttest design was used along with attitudinal measures, interviews and an analysis of the recorded Optel Telewriter gave rise to the data collected. The objectives of the study were to determine the success of facilitating the learning of an art technique, facilitating aesthetic development, and facilitating two way communication. The participants were all volunteers who were actively involved in the arts and qualified to apply for enrolment in a visual arts degree course. The results indicated that the Optel Telewriter presentations did facilitate the learning of an arts technique and two way communication. Along with these and other findings, the implication of using the audiographic device as a means of teaching degree level visual arts at a distance are presented.