Published Resources Details Thesis

Fallon, F. R.
Christian values and the vision of the Uniting Church for its schools in Victoria
Type of Work
MEd thesis
University of Melbourne, Parkville VIC, 1995

The Catholic Church in Australia has a vision for its schools of a faith that pervades all aspects of school life and results in a climate or atmosphere where Christian values are expressed in every dimension of the education provided. What vision does the Uniting Church in Victoria have for its schools? Is it similar to that of the Catholic Church? This thesis examines the vision that the Uniting Church has for its schools in Victoria, particularly in relation to the place of Christian values in this vision. Three value models are used. They are the Gospel values as defined by Doyle and Woods (1984), Scheler's Hierarchy of Values (1973), and Hodgkinson's Value Model (1983). Three sources of data are examined in this thesis. They are transcripts of interviews with four chairpersons of the Synod Education Committee, relevant sections of the minutes of the Synod of the Uniting Church in Victoria, and the aims and objectives and mission statements of the Uniting Church schools in Victoria. The three models are used as a framework for analysing the data. The vision of the Uniting Church for its schools in Victoria was found to involve the presence of a Christian ethos in the schools which was made up of three dimensions. These dimensions are values, in particular the Gospel value of love, the presence of Christian staff, and areas of school life in which the values are expressed, in particular the area of pastoral care.