Published Resources Details Thesis

Minahan, R. H.
Schools of the future and curriculum development and implementation - an investigation
Type of Work
MEd thesis
University of Melbourne, Parkville VIC, 1995

Restructure of the Ministry of Education has ensured that schools are no longer centrally administered but are self- managing within the Schools of the Future program under the Directorate of School Education. As a result, changes have occurred in many areas including administration, financial management, staffing structure and teacher support in areas such as curriculum. This study investigates three schools that are members of the Schools of the Future Pilot Program and seeks to find the effect that the changes from the Program, have had on curriculum development and implementation. The study reviews the literature available on the topic, in particular the notion of self- managing schools in Victoria. Therefore it reviews information on the Schools of the Future Program. It also seeks to understand the effect of changes in curriculum policy and the provision of professional development. The study also seeks to explore the effect of leadership style on the implementation of curriculum within a school. Qualitative research methods were employed when data was collected from the three participating schools. The schools were selected for the following reasons: they are members of the Schools of the Future Pilot Program (or Intake 1 ); they are situated in a similar socio- economic area; the author had ready access to those schools. By applying grounded theory technique to the data a model was developed - The Curriculum Triangle. This model is a suggested representation of what is occurring in the selected schools and could be used further to analyse data from schools, and thus generate the possible areas requiring professional development and curriculum leadership.