Published Resources Details Thesis

Henderson, D. G.
A study of the classroom and laboratory environments and student attitude and achievement in senior secondary biology classes
Type of Work
PhD thesis
Curtin University of Technology, Bentley WA, 1995
Western Australia

The major purpose of this study was to determine associations between students' perceptions of the classroom and laboratory learning environments and their attitudinal and achievement outcomes. A second purpose was to examine the magnitude of gender differences in students' learning environment perceptions and in their attitudinal and achievement outcomes. A sample of 489 students completed the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) and the Science Laboratory Environment Inventory (SLEI). Responses to two attitude questionnaires, achievement on an external written examination and performance in practical tests were used as student outcome measures. Statistical analyses confirmed the reliability and validity of the QTI and the SLEI when used with senior secondary biology students. Investigation of associations between students' perceptions of the learning environment and student outcomes and of the unique and common contribution of the QTI and SLEI scales to the variance in student outcomes indicated that associations of students' perceptions of the learning environment were stronger with the attitudinal outcomes than with cognitive or practical skills outcomes. It was also indicated that there was some commonality between the QTI and SLEI scales was found in their contributions to the variance in attitudinal outcomes but almost no commonality was found in their contributions to variance in cognitive and practical skills outcomes. Statistically significant gender differences were found in students' responses to the QTI and SLEI but not in student outcomes.