Organisation Education and the Arts Department (2004 - 2006)




The Education and Arts Department (Queensland) was established on 12 February 2004 under the Administrative Arrangements Order (No.1) 2004 and the Public Service Departmental Arrangements Notice (No. 1) 2004, as a result of a merger between the Education Department (1957-2004) and Arts Queensland. The Department was responsible for carrying out the following functions: "[administration of] state pre-school, primary, secondary and special education, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, distance education, continuing education, education of students of non-English speaking background, education of students in Youth Detention Centres, Higher education including State Government policy and planning, Kindergarten funding, Non-state school funding and Registration of Teachers." The Education and Arts Department was renamed on 13 September 2006 to the Education, Training and the Arts Department under Administrative Arrangements Order (No. 2) 2006 and Public Service Departmental Arrangements Notice (No. 9) 2006.


 2004 - 2006 Education and the Arts Department
       1957 - 2004 Education Department

Published resources


  • Queensland. Education and the Arts Department, Smarter Learning: The Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework, Department of Education and the Arts, Brisbane, 2005. Details


  • Queensland. Education and the Arts Department, Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework (QCAR), Department of Education and the Arts, 2005. Details


  • Freebody, Peter, Background, rationale and specifications: Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework, Queensland. Education and the Arts Department, Brisbane, July 2005. Details

Online Resources