Organisation Education Department (1957 - 2004)




The Education Department (Queensland) was established on 12 August 1957, under the "State Education Acts and another Act Amendment Act of 1957", replacing the Public Instruction Department (1876-1957). The Department was responsible for carrying out the following functions: "administ[ration] [of] educational services to students in state primary, secondary, special schools and pre-schools." The Education Department was merged with Arts Queensland on 12 February 2004 under the Administrative Arrangements Order (No.1) 2004 and the Public Service Departmental Arrangements Notice (No. 1) 2004, and the resulting agency was named the Education and Arts Department.


 2004 - 2006 Education and the Arts Department
       1957 - 2004 Education Department

Published resources


  • Queensland. Education Department, P-10 Curriculum Framework: for discussion purposes, 1987. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, Years 1 to 10 Mathematics Sourcebook. Year 8, Brisbane, 1989. Details

Discussion Papers

  • Queensland. Education Department, Education 2000. Issues and options for the future of Education in Queensland. A discussion paper, Brisbane, 1985. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, Student Achievement in Queensland, Brisbane, December 2000. Details


  • Queensland. Education Department, Meeting the Challenge II. Organisational principles and program structures for the Queensland Department of Education, 30-Oct. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, Meeting the Challenge. Future directions for Education in Queensland, 12 June 1987. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, Meeting the Challenge III. The Studies Program, 19-Feb. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, P-10 Teaching Framework, 1989. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, The Corporate Vision For Senior Schooling in Queensland: A Policy Document, Division of Schools, 1989. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, P-10 Assessment Framework (Draft), October 1990. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, 2010 Queensland State Education. A Future Strategy, Education Queensland, 2000. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, Years 1-10 Curriculum Framework for Education Queensland Schools. Policy and Guidelines. A framework for the future, Queensland Studies Authority, Brisbane, 2001. Details


  • Cranston, Neil; Dungan, John; Grieve, Christine, A Review of the 1-10 Mathematics Inservice Project: An Interim Report on an Innovation in Teacher Inservice Education, Research Services, Division of Curriculum Service, Department of Education, Queensland, 1989. Details
  • de Vidas, Raoul, Report on Senior Schooling. Visits to other schools in other regions to view initiatives and exemplary practices in the senior school, Department of Education, Queensland, Wide Bay Region, 1989. Details
  • Pitman, J. A., The Senior Certificate: A New Deal, Education Department, Queensland, June 2002. Details
  • Queensland. Department of Education, P-10 Curriculum Framework, Department of Education, Brisbane, 1987. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, Seminar Report P-10 Curriculum Development, February 1984. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, The P-10 Curriculum Development Program: A Status Report, Research Services, Division of Curriculum Services, Department of Education, 1990. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, Status Report and Recommendations: Documentation and Implementation of the P-10 Curriculum, Studies Directorate, 1991. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department, Report on the consultation on 'Student Achievement in Queensland', May 2001. Details
  • Queensland. Education Department ; Viviani, N. (Chair), The Review of Tertiary Entrance in Queensland 1990: Report submitted to the Minister for Education (Viviani Report), Queensland. Department of Education, Brisbane, 1990. Details
  • Queensland. Research and Curriculum Branch, Proposals for the compilation of an order of merit for Grade 12 students, Department of Education, Queensland, 1972. Details
  • Queensland. Research and Curriculum Branch, The use of school assessments scaled against the Australian Scholastic Aptitude Test for compilation of an order of merit list. Board of Secondary School Studies, Department of Education, Queensland, 13-Jul. Details
  • Queensland. Senior Schooling Curriculum Framework, Discussion Paper IV: Progress Report: The Way Ahead, Department of Education, Queensland, Brisbane, 1990. Details
  • Queensland. Senior Schooling Curriculum Framework, Issues Paper 1. Broadening the Curriculum: Towards a Foundation Education, Department of Education, Queensland, Brisbane, January 1990. Details
  • Queensland. Senior Schooling Curriculum Framework, Focus on the Learner, Department of Education, Queensland, Brisbane, 1991. Details

Unpublished Works

  • Queensland. Education Department, P-10 Implementation Timelines for Queensland State Schools, 1990. Details

Online Resources